Kindred Spirits: An Art Exhibit and Book Launch Inspired by Animals

Kindred Spirits: An Art Exhibit and Book Launch Inspired by Animals

The universe is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper. —Eden Phillpotts

Please Join Us for the Opening Weekend Reception for
Kindred Spirits: An Art Exhibit and Book Launch
Inspired by Animals

Saturday & Sunday, October 21 and 22, from 12 to 6
True North Gallery, 25 Woodbury Street, South Hamilton, MA 01982
978.468.1962 •
October Hours: Wednesdays & Thursdays 11 to 4
Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays 12 to 5

For directions, CLICK HERE. Note: Extra parking is available around the corner, on Partridgeberry Lane.

Animal-inspired art by Sarah Becktel, Sandy Clift, Seth Fitts, Deb Kirkeeide, Kristiana Parn, Judy Paul, Diana Sudyka, Michael Updike, and others; new Inuit sculpture from Arctic Canada (just back from a buying trip!); and Belinda’s new book, Inside Animal Hearts and Minds: “A fascinating account of animal emotions and animal intelligence . . . fair, friendly, and charming. I cannot imagine any animal lover not finding this a wonderful book!” —Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, best-selling author of When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love

Plus, our unique assortment of gifts, jewelry, home goods, and more!
(Coming soon in November: Holiday Open House November 18 & 19)

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